Warm LEMON WATER: Try This One Out For Better Health

How you start your day determines how you will be for the rest of the day especially when it comes to your health and well-being. It is important to start it right and to do that you should be drinking a glass of warm lemon water

While most people simply squeeze out the juice of a lemon and put it in a glass of warm water it is highly advisable to use the peels too instead as it has more benefits than you'll ever know as it can boost your immune system, gives you much-needed strength to combat the day, flushes out harmful toxins out of your body, freshens your breath, clean your skin, normalizes your lymph system and promotes good mood. You can also drink it cold instead of warm in the morning as long as you boil the peels. This juice is loaded too with various essential nutrients to promote good metabolism and overall good health. 


6 Lemons 
20 oz. of water 


Cut the lemon into two and put in a saucepan with the water. Boil the mixture for three minutes and let the liquid to cool down for fifteen minutes. 
Strain it and put in a bottle.
Put some honey to to sweeten it and drink a cup of this juice.